To be Black, woman* and alive. Living at the intersections of gender and race, Black women, Black trans women, Black girls, and Black femmes are not protected or valued. As a community, it is our duty to create spaces where Black women* are centered, cared for and our voices are uplifted and heard. My name is Arvia Walker and I'm a visual storyteller and community organizer that centers my work on Black women and girls.*
#DearBlackGirl is a community-curated, love note-portrait project that is centered on cultivating joy, healing, beauty, and the magic of Black women and girls*. Together we will co-create a collection of love letters that are written by and for Black women and girls*. Alongside them, we will have portraits taken in a celebration of our magic. My hope is that this will be a community affirmation project where Black women* will feel loved and held.
These love note sessions will be provided free to community members in New Haven and Hartford in early Fall 2018. This is why your donation is so important. Any amount is appreciated and I thank you in advance.
*Black Women in all of our diversity and beauty are welcome. Women and girls are inclusive terms reflecting all those who were assigned and/or identify as a woman/transwoman/femme/girl.*
In Solidarity,
Arvia, Lead Creator